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Self-Referral Information

Choose the service which best suits your needs. In the list below, there are self referral options available for some services.


NHS Choose Well


If you are having a medical emergency then dial 999


Advice on children’s coughs, cold, earache and rashes


Eye problems – you can see your optician if you need urgent attention for your eye. For a list of the opticians which are open during COVID-19, please ring 01267 248793 or 01267 248795 or visit http://www,


Dental problems – please contact your local General Dental Practitioner. If you do not have a NHS dentist please contact the dental helpline on 0300 10 20 247 (option 3).


Sexual Health – we offer contraceptive pill, emergency contraception, contraceptive injections, coils and implants in the surgery.  You can alternatively access the sexual health clinics or for sexual health test or access a home testing kit which allows patients to request a home test kit for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B or C, chlamydia or gonorrhoea For free emergency contraception, you will be able to get these from the following nearby pharmacies: Pearns, Clifton Pharmacy, and Wells Clifton Street.


Termination of Pregnancy – there is a dedicated booking line for women requesting advice about an unplanned pregnancy. If you are pregnant and feel unsure about what to do or are considering having a termination of pregnancy (abortion), it is important that you be seen in the PAS clinic. This is so you can be examined and discuss your options with the clinic Doctor or Nurse.  The booking office will book a suitable appointment for you. There opening times are Monday to Thursday  08:30-12:30 and 13:30-16:30 and Friday 08:30-12:30 and 13:30-16:00. If you could like further information please call 02920 742638


Mental Health – You can self refer by emailing or


Online Stress Control – live streaming will continue with the session being shown 4 times to accommodate people who are unable to watch same-day sessions. Full details on the Stress Control 2020 channel on YouTube


Online ACT-ion for Living – now available on the Stepiau website (presented as Part 1 and Part 2) with the remaining three sessions to go up incrementally over the next couple of weeks. Unlike Stress Control, this online version of ACT-ion for living will be available on demand


Pregnancy/Midwives – if you are pregnant, you can self refer to the midwife. To register the pregnancy, you need to complete the digital referral form on:


A Community Midwife will then contact the woman to arrange a telephone booking appointment for when they are about 8-10-weeks pregnant.


Substance Misuse/Alcohol Service


Smoking Cessation or text HMQ to 80818


Healthy Eating – British Dietetic Association




Diabetes – if you would like a referral to a dietician for advice on improving your diabetic control. You can email the practice or speak with the Practice Nurse. Also see


Pocket Medic Videos Type 1


Pocket Medic Video Type 2


Moving medicine diabetes


Podiatry - if you are diabetic and have a red warm or swollen foot, break in the skin, foot ulcer, bleeding in your socks then you can  self refer to the Podiatry department 02920 335135.


Chronic Pain – for management of long-term pain see the pain toolkit You can also self refer to the Living well with pain course Email: or text  Interested and your name to 07870 979860. There is information about opioids and other painkillers available at

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