General Patient Information
Booking an Appointment
Appointments can be booked on the day by telephone subject to availability. The phone lines open at 8.00 a.m.
You can pre-book up to six week in advance subject to availability. Some appointments are available online but you need to register for this service.
For urgent non-life-threatening problems that cannot wait for the following day emergency appointments can be made.
If you cannot attend an appointment please let us know as soon as possible so that the cancellation may be offered to another patient.
If you have a preferred clinician you would like to speak to please let our reception staff know on contact and will we try and accommodate your request.
Prescription Requests
We offer a repeat prescribing service, to order your prescription you can either:
Hand your prescription request into the surgery or post it into the boxes provided at the front gate or in the foyer.
Call your nominated chemist to use their chemist prescription services.
Send your prescription request via post with a stamp addressed envelope for us to post back, or
Order your repeat prescription online via the NHS Wales App or email to: Prescriptions.w97007@wales.nhs.uk.
Please allow 2 working days/ 48 hours for your prescription request to be actioned before collecting.
Test Results
Please do not assume the practice will contact you regarding your test results. It is your responsibility to contact the surgery. Test results are given out after 2.00 p.m.
Home Visits
Home visits can be requested for terminally ill patients and those patients who are truly housebound by calling the surgery on 02920462793 and speaking to a member of our reception team. We ask that home visit requests are submitted to the practice by 12pm on the day.
If you do not fit into these categories the doctor will contact you by telephone to assess the situation further.
Text Reminder Service
Fear of Flying
The practice can send patients a text reminder for their appointments at the surgery. Please ensure that you have given your correct mobile number and let us know if you change it. If you would prefer us not to include you in these reminders please let us know.
We have taken a decision to stop prescribing diazepam outside the terms of its licence, including as a sedative for aircraft flights. This policy decision has been made by the GP Partners and will be adhered to by all prescribers working in the practice.
When we are Closed
NHS Wales App
When we are closed, you may access the out-of-hours service by telephoning 111.
Alternatively, you can call NHS111 on 111 or 03454647. If you are felling ill and are unsure what to do NHS Direct Wales is a health advice and information service available 24 hours a day every day.
We are now live on the NHS Wales App which will replace My Health Online. To ensure continuity of services download the App today or use the desktop web version available. Find out more at: https://app.nhs.wales/login.
Additional Support at https://apphelp.nhs.wales/help/nhs-login.
Dental Problems
Eye Problems
We are unable to treat dental problems. You should instead book an appointment with your dentist. If you are not registered with a dentist, the number for emergency dental care is 029 20 444 500
Antibiotics will not help with dental pain and your GP will not prescribe them for this reason. You can get over the counter painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen from your pharmacist while awaiting dental treatment. We do not prescribe diazepam for patients with a fear of dentists.
Emergency dental care:
You can see your optician if you need urgent attention for your eye.
For a list of the opticians visit:
Emergency eye care:
Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
Please find below the address and contact details of our local health board. Here you can find details of primary medical service in the area.
Cardiff and the Vale University Health Board
Woodland House
Maes-Y-Coed Road,
CF14 4HH
Useful Links
Choose Well Wales - http://www.choosewellwales.org.uk/home
NHS111 Advice - www.111.wales.nhs.uk
Adults: Is your cold, sore throat, earache or cough getting you down? A Guide to understanding your symptoms
Get Well Soon Without Antibiotics http://gov.wales/docs/phhs/publications/111114getwellen.pdf
Children: When Should I Worry? Your Guide to Coughs, Colds, Earache and Sore Throats
General Data Protection Regulations
Personal Information
We ask you for personal information so that you can receive appropriate care and treatment. This information is recorded on computer and we are registered under the Data Protection Act. The practice will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practice team, However, for the effective functioning of a multi-disciplinary team it is sometimes necessary that medical information about you is shared between members of the team.
Access to Medical Records
The practice is registered and complies with the Data Protection Act 2018. Any request for access to notes by a patient, patient’s representative or outside body will be dealt with in accordance to the Act.
Information Sharing
Your GP and the team of health professionals caring for you keep records about your health and any treatment or care you receive from the NHS. This information will either be written down (manual records), or be held on computer (electronic records). These records are then used to guide and manage the care you receive.
You may also be receiving care from organisations outside the NHS, like social services. If so we may need to share some information about you so that everyone involved in your care can work together for your benefit.
Whenever this is necessary, your information will be handled in the strictest of confidence and will be subject to the principles of confidentiality.
Cookies - Privacy Information
What are Cookies?
Cookies are text files that are placed on to your device when you visit a website. They are widely used to make websites work efficiently and to collect standard information and track how you use websites for examples the pages you visit.
How we use Cookies
We use cookies to make our website work and to measure how you use our website for instance, we use language cookies to know what language you would like the web site displayed to you in, we also use YouTube cookies to embed videos in pages and Google Analytics cookies to track users’ behaviour whilst on the site, such as which pages you have visited. By understanding how people use our site, we can improve the navigation and content to better meet people’s needs. The data will not be used to identify any user personally.
How to manage cookies
You can set your browser not to accept cookies. You can also remove cookies from your web browser. Both these actions are completed through browser settings. To find out more about cookies and how to manage them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org
To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.